Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Happy Birthday Daddy Don!

Tina here.

Today, March 22nd, would have been the Gold Country Girls' Daddy's 93 birthday. He will have been gone 40 years this October.

We sure have missed him these long, long years. The photo above is my stepmom Donna, Daddy and me about to head up the street for Lori's high school graduation. The home they lived in and that we are standing near partially burned down this past year. There have been many changes to Placerville since Daddy died.  Also a lot of changes to me. I am already twelve years older than he was when he passed. That is a hard thing to realize.

We love you Daddy! I hope there is fishing in heaven!


  1. Love You Daddy Don!!!! Miss you every day!!!!!

  2. He watches over you from heaven with a smile of great love and pride. Smile back and keep all of those loving memories alive! (Rob)

  3. Happy Birthday to our dear Daddy; I will always remember, love and treasure you.
