Saturday, November 8, 2014

Once More, In Paisley

Our neighbor was having a yard/garage sale, so naturally we had to walk next door and check it out.
As soon as I walked into her garage, I spotted something I knew I wanted!
Another one of these fabulous vintage cloth suitcases that I like so much:
 In orange and yellow paisley, no less!
(Click here to see a previous post about these vintage suitcases.)
 She told me that she took it to the hospital with her in 1970 when she was going in to have her daughter.
I love knowing the story behind it, and she can rest assured that it went to a home where it will be appreciated.
She only charged me one dollar for it.
That now brings my "collection" to a grand total of five.
I saw two of these vintage suitcases at a shop in downtown Sonora just a couple of weeks ago.
 Do you know what the price tag said on those?
 One of them was $70.
Um, I don't think so folks.
Good luck with that.


  1. That is a really nice one, I love the print and the colors. Love T

  2. Love it!!!!! My favorite colors!!!!

  3. That is simply divine! Love love love it! I never see suitcases like that here in Australia. Xx
