Friday, August 21, 2009

My Sister's 4-H Demonstrations

I would like to do a post about my own demonstrations, but I'm not sure whether I still have my old posters. If I do, I don't know where they are. If I find them, I'll let you know!
Below is a program from 4-H Demonstration Day, 1971. We didn't give Demos that day - we were coordinators working behind the scenes, along with other older members:
Lori's first demonstration was Raggedy Ann Salad:
The idea came from Betty Crocker's Cook Book For Boys and Girls ( you can see it in this post). This is a photo from that book:
And her other posters, showing the ingredients needed for the salad:
Her next demonstration was Cupcake Cuties:
She showed how to simply decorate cupcake tops for seasons and holidays:

And the idea for that came from Betty Crocker's New Boys and Girls Cookbook (shown in this post):

Apparently, Betty Crocker was quite the great resource for information and inspiration back then, as the ideas for both of my demonstrations came from those books, as well!
This last tidbit is SO cool. I just got a letter from my aunt in Wisconsin yesterday. She had enclosed a letter she found that Daddy had sent to their mom on March 20th, 1967. Here is an excerpt from his letter:Now, come on- how cool is that?!


  1. isn't that great to have your dads thoughts on paper - how special! ....and that it is about your post is so wonderful. i remember the raggedy ann salad. i still have my original cookbook - we never go the 'new' version.

  2. 4-H was wonderful!! It was a BIG part of our life growing up!! We met so many great families and learned so much!! Cooking, Sewing, Home Furnishing were my subjects. I loved them all!! The Demonstrations were a great way to overcome your fear of speaking in front of a public crowd. What wonderful memories!!

  3. What a precious letter! It makes me sad and happy at the same time to read it. Have you ever let Auntie or our cousins know about your web site? If so, I bet they get a kick out of it. Great post. Love T
