Sunday, August 18, 2013

Gifts For Tina, And A Good Time

Tina's birthday fell on one of my days off this year, so I was able to head over that way and spend time with her for her special day.
She loved her gifts, which made me very happy! I found a lovely little vintage nasturtium still life framed print for her (huge!) nasturtium collection:
 An hand-painted mirror...
.... to add to her collection of them in their downstairs bathroom, which is decorated with all things celestial:
 A nice blouse with pretty colors I just KNEW she would like:
 We went out to dinner at the fabulous Camp Virner in Georgetown:

 We both chose their delicious pork chops:
One of her other gifts was this magazine article, below: 
You may think "What the heck kind of present is that?".
I will tell you - it's a darned good one!
 It was from the magazine below, which her ex-husband had thrown out years ago when they moved from one place to another. For 40 years, she lamented the loss of that magazine because she had tried (and had great results with)  the pizza dough recipe inside, and had intended to hold onto it forever. She mentioned it quite a while back, and I was bound and determined to find the article she wanted. Thank you, eBay! She had told me approximately when (what year)  it had been that she had first tried her hand at that homemade pizza dough.
 Hello, November 1972.
I was thrilled when I found it:
I only wish I had been able to stay over at her house long enough that we could have made some of that pizza!
Maybe next time.


Jill said...

What a thoughtful gift the magazine was!! Great idea!

Tina Dawn said...

Heidi, I love all of my wonderful presents. I am a very lucky big sister to have such a thoughtful sister as you. I am planning on making the pizza soon, hopefully Wednesday. I really enjoyed our time together! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Love T

Heidi Ann said...

Tina - Well, I have known you long enough to know what you like, right? (HaHa!)And it is a pleasure and a delight for me to find gifts for people I love that I truly believe they will be happy with. You know, "the thrill of the hunt", and all that. Love you back!