Thursday, January 8, 2009

Our Own Mother Goose

My dear friend Heidi gave me this adorable book for Christmas. Written and photographed by Carol McMillan Reid and The Koehne Studios, it was printed in 1934.
The pictures within are so sweet - children in costumes depicting scenes from nursery rhymes. Mistress Mary:
Polly with her kettle:
The rooster says it's time for these two to rise and shine!
How cute are they?


Twyla and Lindsey said...

What a unique and precious book! Twyla

Celestial Charms said...

What a treasure of a gift. Very unusual to see staged photos, as opposed to illustrations...I love it!

Tina Dawn said...

I loved looking at your book at Christmas. So adorable. Heidi chose a good one. Love T

Anonymous said...

How cute are they? VERY! :>

Anonymous said...

Totally Adorable Book...

Those pages would be precious in Vintage frames and hung in a nursery... How fortunate for you to own this wonderful piece of art...
