Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

This adorable card, below was given to me by the SWEETEST lady who lived on my old mail route. She used to leave little surprise gifts for me in the mailbox on holidays. What a sweetheart she was. I hope she's still there, leaving gifts for Annie:
And here is a lovely antique postcard:
and another:
Happy Day! And may you always have good luck in life.


yosemite faith said...

oh - annie has your route. she was always nice to me.
i got a great card today - with a cat of course. the see candies shamrocks are in the mail box-as we speak-for my mail carrier. good luck and a great day to you too.

Tina Dawn said...

And a top o' the mornin' to you too sis. I am dressing green today to go to the Shakespeare Club luncheon. Whataya wanna bet they have green punch today? Love T

Unknown said...

And the rest of the day to you, Heidi! (I was once told that was the proper response to top o' the mornin' to you. I'm not quite sure if that's true, but it sounds good to me.) Love, Deb

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Happy St. Pat.'s Day! May the road rise up to meet you and the wind always be at your back. Twyla

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Cards...

Sweet Memories of Treats found in the mailbox...

Hope your St. Patrick's Day was filled with Magic...
