Years ago, one day at work, the question was posed: "What is your all-time favorite movie, if you could choose only one?". After going through numerous titles in my head, many of which are listed here on my blog, I concluded that I simply could not choose only one. My friend Denise said "Oh, I thought you would pick
White Christmas!" This, because I had recently gone on about my sheet music collection, and my quest to find every song from the film in sheet music form.

Duh!! White Christmas! I hadn't thought of it, probably only because it's rather a seasonal film (although it's true that I can enjoy it any time of year). Yes - if I were truly pressed to choose - it would indeed be the film I would pick. I've written before on my blog about my love for Bing Crosby - and Danny Kaye. I feel the same way about Rosemary Clooney. All three of them in one movie? Heaven.

I LOVE Irving Berlin's music (and not only his songs in this film!)- truly he was an absolute treasure, one of our greatest and most prolific songwriters.

Thus far, in my search for the sheet music, just three of the song titles have eluded me. Shown in the next two pictures are the ones I have found:

I'm still searching!

On January 3rd of 2007, I was treated to a very special evening out, compliments of my two sisters. My ticket had been a birthday gift from them - and we went to see the musical play at the Community Center Theater in Sacramento. It was fabulous.

But you still can't beat Bing and the gang in the movie- you just can't! "May your days be merry and bright, and may all your Christmases be white."
(P.S. Added on December 24th - It was on last night, and even though I have the video tape, I sat and watched it on ABC Family. No matter how many times I see it, I cry at the end when they all surprise General Waverly. Every time. I love it.)