I am not sure I can even quite express how much I love this movie. I had to BEG my husband to go with me to see it - it finally came to our local cinema 6 months after it was released, as part of their "Independent Film Series", and was shown for 2 days only. Don't even get me started on the topic of what movies are never shown at all here locally! I was SO happy that I got to see it on the big screen! I couldn't wait to get the DVD and soundtrack album.

I think Kevin Spacey is a phenomenal actor, and he did a FABULOUS job in this role. And he can SING - boy, can he ever!
Bobby Darin was such a great singer and entertainer - I could listen to him all day, watch his taped performances, his movies, etc.

Especially the ones he made with his beautiful wife, Sandra Dee. Isn't this a lovely photo of her?

He truly was one of the "Great Gentlemen Of Song", as in the title of one of my CD's from Capitol Records.

Well, you know how I am when I become obsessed! I had to get the book written by their son Dodd, too!

But I have to say ( even at the risk of annoying fellow Bobby Darin fans) that as much as I enjoy him, I would kind of rather listen to Kevin Spacey's soundtrack. It is REALLY great. It may be my favorite movie soundtrack ever - and coming from this HUGE musical fan, that is saying a lot. I feel that he did not get nearly enough kudos for this wonderful film, which I believe was a true labor of love for him. Well, Kevin - you've got one fan here who has a tremendous appreciation for what you have done!!
Did I say that I LOVE IT??!!