We had a fabulous Christmas Day with our family, culminating in a wonderful Christmas dinner at the home of my niece and her family (after traveling over the river and through the woods). The picture above is their lovely Christmas tree.
I hope that you all were blessed with the same kind of lovely day.
Sometimes I truly I cannot believe my luck - I won Amy's fabulous giveaway over at
Into Vintage!

Her generosity astounds me - and I decided to wait until Christmas morning to open my package from her, because it felt like a big wonderful gift to me - and I was as excited as a little girl anticipating Santa's arrival!

I LOVE everything!

Thank you SO much, Amy!
My friend Faith sent a photo of her home (below) in Michigan tucked inside of her Christmas card this year. Isn't it gorgeous?? We used to work together at the post office, and when she and her husband retired they moved back to Michigan. I am delighted that we are keeping in touch again on Facebook, and through her sweet - and, I'm happy to say frequent - comments here on our blog.

I also thought I was pretty lucky when I won this eBay auction for this absolutely beautiful angel. Isn't she a true beauty?

I am hoping that maybe within the coming year, I may be lucky enough to meet some of you bloggers who live in or around the Gold Country, and as always, I look forward to reading, enjoying, and being consistently inspired by all of the wonderful fellow bloggers who live farther afield.
I already feel like a very lucky, lady, indeed to have my two wonderful sisters and my good and dear, closest friends - I only wish that I were able to see them all much more often!