When I went outside yesterday, Dizzy seemed to be behaving strangely. Couldn't quite put my finger on it - but it seemed more than his usual "I think I will hide down here in this gutter, and I am certain no one will see me here" deal.

But I soon saw that he was playing a game.
A game of cat and mouse.
With this little guy:
Whenever he got close to the poor petrified little thing, it would squeak and squeal in fright - truly begging for it's life.
I just couldn't help but feel sorry for the little pipsqueak - he was so cute! And he reminded me of Little Bit, from the book "So Small", by Ann Rand. I don't have a copy, but Lori still has hers from when we were little, and I remember it well.
You have to admit, this next photo is priceless; "Where in the heck did he go? He was right here a minute ago!"
I wanted to help him, but I didn't want to touch him. You see, I rescued a gopher from a cat when I was a very small child, and the ungrateful thing had the audacity to bite ME - and I had to go have a tetanus shot. So - I watched - and took pictures, and made sure Dizzy didn't get him. He was making his way up our steep rock steps - rather a feat for a wee creature:

Only a couple more to go!

Then he had to rest awhile. I can surely understand why. When I went to check on him, he had decided to take a short nap. ( I snapped this picture before he closed his eyes for little siesta.)

Oh, the perils that await one so small!

But the next time I checked, he was back down on the lowest level - he had come back down the steps! So then I had to get more involved and I helped him get to higher - and let's hope safer - ground.

Little Bit - he was just too cute to sacrifice to Diz.
Believe me, if Dizzy had really wanted him, he'd have been gone before I ever even laid eyes on him!