I love reading all of my favorite blogs, and seeing their latest finds - and naturally I also enjoy sharing my own. So, here are the latest...
And I'll begin with the greatest! I have never found one of these Greetings From Placerville postcards before - I was thrilled! And I couldn't pass up this adorable little Lefton angel bell, either. Would you have?

Found this pair of egg cups before Easter, just in time to add them to my table decorations:

This sweet floral tea/coffee set was a Salvation Army find:

You couldn't really see it very well in that photo - here's a close-up:

I found a bright and beautiful vintage fiberglass tray:

Some vintage decals, a California bungalow postcard, and a piece of sheet music I didn't have - I LOVE that song:

"Although (although) we're apart, you're part of my heart, and tonight you belong to me...."