(with apologies to George Washington)

No, I can't tell a lie - today, for me, instead of being about the birthday of.....

the Father Of Our Country,
is all about....... The Oscars!
I've loved watching them ever since I was a little girl - and I can prove it. Here is what I wrote in my diary in 1967: "Watched the 39th Annual Academy Awards. They were real good! We didn't get to watch any other shows but it was worth it!".
This book, below, is a nice reference, with a lot of pictures - but it only goes up through 1985. Oh, well. It's better than nothing. I think I have a couple of other books somewhere....

Two more diary excerpts: "April 10th, 1968 - Saw the Academy Awards. Best movie: In The Heat Of The Night, song: Talk To The Animals, Actor: Rod Steiger, Actress Katharine Hepburn".
March 27th, 1973 "Had lots of homework. Didn't do ANY. Watched Academy Awards. Marlon Brando won best actor but didn't accept.... GODFATHER - BEST PICTURE!!!!"
Later, when I worked nights as a waitress and the Awards were on TV on Mondays, I would do whatever I could to trade shifts with someone so that I could be home to watch. After I got my first VCR in 1984, that meant that I never had to miss them again. And I never have.
I'm really looking forward to tonight!