If, like me, you love the look of old linoleum floors, you would REALLY enjoy this book. It's completely filled with fantastic photos of pictures of vintage kitchens, advertisements, close-ups of linoleum patterns, etc. Trust me - it's a wonderful book, as are all of the books by Jane Powell and Linda Svendsen.

Here is an advertisement from 1937 for Sealex linoleum. I wouldn't mind having a kitchen floor like this:

And another from 1938. This one shows a few more patterns. We need a new kitchen floor very badly. I'd love to have a custom inlaid linoleum design! But we'll have to settle for a less costly option when/if we get it done.

Check out this kitchen with Armstrong Linoleum on the floor. This picture and the next one are from a 1945 advertising calendar my sister gave me that was from the furniture store where Daddy used to work (he didn't work there in 1945, though!):

I LOVE this design with the semi-circles on the floor in the tan and burgundy colors! Click to see it larger and read about the Lazy Susan table! Cool:

This ad for Johnson's Wax is from 1958 - cute poodle! I like the commercial grade vinyl tiles that are available now as one of the the least expensive flooring options out there. They look similar to old linoleum, and come in a myriad of colors; my favorites are the color-flecked type. You can do a checkerboard or plaid pattern or just a border, anything you like. They're made to withstand heavy use - that's why you see them in supermarkets and the like.

I love everything about this fabulous kitchen, below, that I cut out from a magazine. The owner is a San Francisco designer named Candra Scott. What a beautiful room! The floor was done with an old, unused linoleum rug that was bordered with cut Armstrong tiles. I love the floor, the pottery, the table in the center (I want that!), the cabinet doors, the swivel stools, like I said - everything!

Isn't it fabulous?