Just two pretty colors today. I found this book at a thrift store, and couldn't pass it up. Because the cover was so darned pretty, and because I really would like to try my hand at mosaic one of these days:

This is the front cover of an old vinyl photo album from the 70's. I had to take the pictures out - they were those weird old sleeves that can mess up your pictures, you know? But I'm just not sure what to do with it now. I just like the looks of the cover:

And then, here are two pages out of the cutest book - also from a thrift store - "My Slippers Are Red", by Charlotte Steiner:

Such sweet illustrations:

And then, this is just goofy - but I was preparing this post, and I needed a snack. So I went and scorched some microwave popcorn - then I tried again. Felt like grabbing a bowl to eat it out of - and realized that my snack was blue and yellow, too. (Honestly - I did not plan this ahead of time!) So, like any good blogger, I decided to take a picture of it so I could add it to this post. I'm just silly that way.
My sister had this popcorn when I was at her house. So the next time we went shopping, I got some. It's Jolly Time 100 Calorie Healthy Pop Kettle Corn. One bag is 1 point on Weight Watchers. I like it! When it isn't scorched.