I discovered while perusing my vintage magazines (yet again!) that young people with guitars were very often featured in advertising back in the 1970's. My favorite is the first one, below- and ad for Rit Dye. Very cool tie-dyed decor! oh, and I'll take that little gal sitting on the window shelf, and one of those monkeys, too, please:

This next one was a Midol ad, circa 1970

Lenox ad from 1974:

An ad for Smith Corona typewriters. The ad encouraged girls to "take a typing course at school this year", because , even if you were not sure what you would end up doing, "whatever you end up doing in life you'll be thinking. And typing helps thinking." "It nudges your creativity. It can improve your spelling. and even a beginner can learn to type twice as fast as writing by hand."

I can tell you this for sure: I kind of wish I had made the decision to learn how to do both way back then - typing AND playing the guitar. I actually believe my life would have taken different turns if I had.
You know, they say hindsight is 20/20.
But my eyesight isn't that good anymore.
Since I don't play, will you strum me a song?
Because what I CAN do is happily (very happily) sing along!