This stagecoach was actually part of the Mono County exhibit right next to us, but it may as well have been part of ours, because it fit right in - we have a Wells Fargo building and even a stagecoach ride in Columbia:
We managed to have a little time after our stint in the booth to look at some of the exhibits at the fair - there was a nice Girl Scout/Brownie exhibit, which included these vintage uniforms:
There was a wonderful exhibit for Sunmaid Raisins, as well. I like Sunmaid - I even posted about them back in 2009.

I picked up a couple of their cards, including one with their recipe for Raisin Oatmeal Cookies:

I always enjoy the Fine Art exhibits, featuring so many fabulous works of art from around our Golden State.
The three dimensional piece below titled "Ice Cream Store" was done by Sandy Brown of Sonoma County. I was really drawn to it - it's just beautiful in person:
Cara Brown was the talented artist (click on her name to go to her website) who painted the beauty below - it is truly stunning in person:
This sculpture/fountain was simply fabulous, and my photo does not do it justice. The metal insects spurted water timed to music from their instruments. Sorry I don't have the name of the creator; I could have watched it all day:
Nice stuff, huh?
We had a good time, but it ended up being a very, very long day. I had gotten up at 5, gone to work from 8-10, and did not lay my head on my pillow that "night" until 2:50 am. My body can't take that anymore.
I am so happy you got to be a volunteer at the fair! Sorry it wore you out, but happy again that you posted about it. The booth looks fantastic. Love T
Greast booth. Thanks for sharing all the sites. I think I wore that Brownie uniform...(I'm vintage)
How neat~! I love the evolution on the Sun maid raisin girl so cool!
I guess there's a lot of kissing going on in Mono County...
We,too, were honored to work the
county booth. Yes, it wore us "Vintage" folks out, but we had smiles from ear to ear !
We especially enjoyed pronouncing our county's name to so many who said, "Errr... excuse me, but how do you say Tuolumne?"
Congrats !
Sierra Sue
Thank you for this post - I missed going to the fair this year, at least you gave me a glimpse of it.
you must have gotten a different perspective - being a 'worker' there rather than a visitor. sounds like, as usual, the fair was a good one.
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