Irises are so pretty. They seem like such a regal flower to me.

Here is a picture of some of ours in the kitchen window:

A pretty framed print I just found at a thrift store:

I found this vintage catalog here in the house:

I don't know why, but my father-in-law had his gardener take out most of the irises my mother-in-law had planted. Perhaps she even ordered some from this catalog. Some of the rhizomes were saved and stored, and I gave some to my sisters.

I'd love to have some pink ones!

Luckily, some do remain out along the road. And as I sit here writing at the computer, I can see some out the window - yellow ones. They make me smile. I associate them with our Daddy - he liked them, too, and we helped him plant some along the driveway at the house we grew up in. When he died, I was wishing we could have daffodils and irises for the funeral, and they weren't in season, so Mother had some made out of fabric, and gave one of each to us girls. That was the sweetest thing ever.