This is pattern #6533, shown above and below. I am completely in love with her shoes::

And pattern #6535:

(Added on 8/7/11) A reader was kind enough to comment and include a link to this image of pattern #6535, so I have added it below. If you are interested in this pattern, she is offering it for sale at OldPatterns.com, just click on the website name to see the listing.

And finally, I am sharing just a few more of her patterns. This one (6978) belongs to Lori - yes, she has had it all these many years. Love it! Can't you just imagine how cute that middle version would be in a sweet lightweight knit with a mini-floral design?
I shared this one in a previous post about aprons - pinafore, hat and bag:

The long and short of it, here in a style that ties in the back:

I very clearly remember tops similar to these designs being sold in the shops - in fact Lori had one that was quite similar in style. I loved them; I especially like that purple one:

Is this pattern with it's suit and separates adorable, or what??

If I still had the figure for them, I would be more than happy to wear many of these vintage styles still today. I want to congratulate Betsey for her longevity and success as a fashion designer and business woman. I adore her for her uniqueness and individuality, and I happen to think she is nothing short of fabulous.