I think you'll agree that Penny certainly has the figure for sweaters! She looks much better in these first two ( mine since probably the 70's) than I ever did! Ravishing in a red cable knit turtleneck:

Not bad in this pretty blue (Fair Isle style?) pullover, either:

Plum-colored wool with angora - but I do believe the gorgeous scarf rather steals the show, here:

A feathery-fringed shawl collar in this soft and cozy 50's or 60's Orlon cardigan that belonged to my mother-in-law:

And I did show you this pretty green pullover that I found at a yard sale before, I think:

I paired it with a nice scarf I bought at a thrift shop, and you can see how pretty they are together a little bit better in this close-up:

They say the weather is going to get colder - all the more reason to layer on your sweaters, folks!
Stay warm!
I love that cardigan! Love T
I never realized what a nice rack Penny has.
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