Loving all sinks that are pretty and pink.
Here's one from American Standard, circa 1956:

Here's one made by Kohler from 1960 - this teenage gal says "It's the most". (She reminds me of Patty Simcox in "Grease". "Isn't that the most? To say the least!".)

Also from 1960, from American Standard again - with a pretty pink toilet to match:

I would be more than happy with this large and wonderful kitchen sink from Crane, circa 1929 (in fact, I'll take the entire kitchen - LOVE it):

But, check out THIS ONE!!! This is the absolute pink sink of my DREAMS!! Made by Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Company, which I believe merged with American Radiator in 1929 and became American Standard. I had to save the best for last. Can you even imagine having a kitchen sink as gorgeous as the one below?

I would ALMOST want to stay in the kitchen all day...
...but not quite.
Pink sinks and bathrooms have been so popular. I wonder why pink became the standard color?
Iv been toying with the idea of adding a bathroom onto the Casablanca. BUt i'd have to rent the lot next door for the septic tank, and actually build a room off the house for the bathroom. but beyond that iv been thinking of color haha the other 2 room sin the house are Turquoise, green, and lemon yellow. and I dont want to repeat a color or use white and black, so Im thinking Pink? ;)
Oh my - I love these sinks...I really like the last two the best...they look like supersized farm sinks...Amazing!!
I lived through the "pink sink" era so I don't get too excited about them. On the other hand I would die for the green kitchen with the Crane sink. I would love to reproduce the whole room in my house.
I do like that toilet that's attached to the wall. Easy cleaning. Love that one.
Thanks for some ideas.
I would move right in with you to the last two kitchens.
love the ads- my dad loved my mom and me in the color pink. whenever i see that color i think of my mom and my dad.
It always makes me laugh when I'm watching House Hunters on HGTV, and a couple walk through a house that has a vintage pink kitchen or bathroom. To me, that would be a huge selling point!
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Oh My Goodness! That last picture is my favorite of All time! Thank you for showing that one! Twyla
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