And another bowl, and some MORE ornaments:

The most wonderful roll of vintage wrapping paper. It HAS to be vintage - I mean, who makes wrap this cute and colorful these days??

Rainbow Shiny Brites, handmade felt ornaments, Fire King plates, litle striped ornaments, and my beloved little fan-spinning Twinklers!! Probably my VERY favorite vintage ornaments in the entire world! And I found them at the Waste Management store! That means somebody threw them away. That's just crazy, folks!

Vintage Christmas tins. I love these for giving (or storing) my Christmas morning coffee cakes, cookies and fudge:

Jolly Holly pretty snow-frosted teardrop ornaments:

This vintage light-up Santa may have crazy eyes and be missing some paint and his little tree that he holds - but I love him just the same; I was thrilled to find him:

A lovely hand-embroidered apron:

Nice little boxed Hallmark "Beverage Ensemble":

A Sunset Christmas magazine, little angels, snowman votive holder, and a vintage Santa that used to be a bell - now he's just plain cute:

I have more to show you, but I thought this was enough for today!