I've been known to hark back occasionally to previous posts. (Or maybe more often than that.) Do you recall the one where I told you about the furniture I fell in love with as a pre-teen? (Can a person "fall in love" with furniture? I'm here to tell you that this person CAN - and did.)
Click here to view my post from last year about the "Ole" collection by Stanley Furniture.
So - you knew this was coming, right? Guess what I found?!
A twin size head and foot board and rails.

After I had it in the car, I started doubting myself, thinking things like:
"Is it really Ole - or is it one of the look-alikes?".
And, "Are you SURE it's really Ole?".
Because you see, if it wasn't - well, then I wouldn't really want it at all.
"But I could always sell it."
"And the price was right."
As soon as I was able to get on the internet, I checked my pictures.
And my heart sank, "Oh - it's NOT the same."
For this is what I saw:

But as I scrolled down, I realized that the first photo was of the FULL size bed, which IS different. And that yes, indeed, mine is an Ole.

I don't even have a twin mattress for it, I don't have the slats for it, and - last but certainly not least- I don't have a place to put it, either.

And my husband might kill me when he reads this. (He hasn't seen it yet.)

But it is only the second piece of this furniture that I have seen (in person) in about 40 years, and I absolutely, positively, could not leave it at the thrift store.
If you don't understand, I'm sorry. But I couldn't do it.
Because I am still in love.